The Monte Vista Keynoters is a non-profit 501(c)3 parent and community booster organization making high quality Instrumental Music (IM) education possible at Monte Vista High School. The Keynoters organization provides the funds and volunteers required to operate our successful and award-winning program. Since neither the School District or the State provides funding for the IM program, we are self-funded by class donations from parents and fundraising. We rely on parent donations to cover approximately 70% of the total annual IM program budget. The remaining 30% of funding comes from several fundraisers that Keynoter volunteers produce and manage each year.
Parent donations to the Keynoters directly benefit your student, covering the many costs necessary to sustaining a quality Instrumental Music program at Monta Vista.
These costs include items such as:
Entry fees and transportation costs for competitions
Instrument purchase and repair
Sheet music
Coaches and clinicians
Music licenses
Equipment and facilities improvement
President: Cathy Oshima president@mvkeynoters.org
Vice President: Ammara Basheer vicepresident@mvkeynoters.org
Treasurer: Heather Gemmer treasurer@mvkeynoters..org
VP of Communications: Mika Meierding comm@mvkeynoters.org
VP of Fundraising: fundraising@mvkeynoters.org
Secretary: Sandy Young
Member at Large: Amy Mayer
Member at Large: Theresa Madeira
Directors: Ed Cloyd, ecloyd@srvusd.net
Sara Dasovich, sdasovich@srvusd.net
The Keynoters Board of Directors, made up of parent volunteers, meets regularly throughout the year including two Keynoter General Meetings (Connect with Ed) where the general membership (parents) are invited to attend. All parents are welcome but you must be a current member to vote at Keynoter General Meetings. Membership is automatic through your annual Class Donation.
All families are invited and encouraged to join the Monte Vista Keynoters. Membership is included in your class donation that supports the MVHS Instrumental Music (IM) program. Note: You must be a current member to vote at Keynoter meetings.
The SRVUSD requires all adults who wish to volunteer on a school campus, in classrooms or drive and chaperone on field trips to register on their Volunteer Management System to better track and provide the appropriate level of clearance for volunteers. Parents MAY NOT chaperone or drive students unless they are cleared prior to the event. The process generally takes 2 weeks so register early!
Contact Chris Watson (cwatson@mvhigh.net or 925-552-2863) in the MVHS Counseling office with questions about volunteer clearance.
Thank you for volunteering, we cannot do this without you!!